CD 'The Battle Of Everything'

€ 10,00



1: The Battle Of Everything

2: Sanctuary

3: Carry You Home

4: The Water's Edge

5: The Bottom

6: Battle Coda

7: Curtain Call

8: A Thousand Lights

9: A Lifelong Mystery



All songs by Etan Huijs © 2016

Recorded, mixed and produced by Maarten van Praag at The Lakeside Studio’s.

Engineered by Patrick Drabe, Jeroen Molenaar & Maarten van Praag

Mastered by Darius van Helfteren at Amsterdam Mastering

Etan Huijs: vocals, acoustic guitar

Maarten van Praag: electric guitar, acoustic guitar (#9), vocals (#1, 3, 4, 6), glockenspiel, handclaps, soundscapes

Wouter Tuinhof: piano, organ, keys

Ivo Koenen: bass

Jesper Albers: drums, percussion

Michelle Courtens: cello

Sophie de Graaf: harp

Channah van ‘t Riet: vocals on #5 & #6

Patrick Drabe: electric guitar (#5), slide guitar (#6), acoustic guitar (#1)

Jeroen Molenaar: percussion & handclaps (#4)

Arrangements by Etan Huijs & all musicians involved in the making of this record

Artwork & design by Zoonstudio

Portrait photography by Jan Dael